I'll tell you a little about my arch nemisis. I am only 15. I am not cool. I am a freak, a freaky freak. I love Jesus. I love the show Invader Zim. I was raised in front of a television playing Simpsons constantly. If you know what the Enneagram is, I am a four and sometimes a six. (the enneagram is not a religion. look it up on a search engine if you don't know what it is) I listen to metal and rock music. I am also notorius to be caught enjoying Blink 182 or even Good Charlotte when I'm with my good Friend Emily(whose site you can vist at
http://goodcharlotte06.tripod.com) I have a German monkey named Pedro who went so insane that he turned a blue and white plaid and now spends his earthly eternity in a strait jacket. I hate myself the most when i get too hyper and then do or say something i regret once i calm down(no, not something like that, for all you pervs out there!) My favorite color is blue but, by looking at me you'd mistake it for black. I am a cracker, cacasion honky. I have friends in Illinois who protect us from the dreaded purple dishwasher monkies. So I tell you all to thank God for people like them. You do
not want your dishes washed by them. Munky (James, if ya wanna get all technical) and Jon are my favorite members of Korn. I start rambling when i type for too long. I believe Marilynn Manson needs to be brought to the Light or taken off air. My favorite pair of pants are navy blue, made of a textile that feels like a blanket, Kikwear, and 40 inches around at the bottom. I wear too many bracletts. It's hard for me to sleep at night because i can't stop thinking about anything and everything. And i better stop telling you all this or your heads might explode from all this information being crammed in them...or should i? Your my guest, I'll be nice.