The story started out innocent enough. Seventh grade, a boring sixth hour class, some artistic talent, and twisted little mind that wanted only to create a rock band that looked like aliens with no noses. There was Trent, Zinc, Squwa(later spelled correctly as Squaw), and Squiggle and one really big body guard named Lerch. I gave them all full names birthdates, and personalities which, lead to giving them girlfriends, wives, dark serects, families, detailed pasts, insecurities and even favorite colors. I had to get it all out of my system. I began to write episodes of their daily activities, psychological profiles, and draw more pictures of them. As it may seem I think I was pretty much on my way to obsession. Most liked and/or were interested in the story while, others were completly annoyed. And even at one point I had decided to give up on it so as not to bother the person who had come forward with their annoyance. If there was one person there had to be several more. My good Friend, Ginny, had noticed the sudden change and inquired of it. I told her how I had precieved what others were feeling and what a certain "friend" (notice no capital f and the quotations) had told me and she encoraged me to keep on truckin'. Well into 4 siGht's (the band) making I started coming up with the detailed pasts of the twins Jered, later known as Squiggle, and Trent. And I couldn't keep it in for fear of the mass media comming up with it before I said anything of it. It's happend to me before. Just believe me. This all has lead up to making my so-called masterpeice, which isn't finished. But I hope you enjoy all that I have now. It's alot anyway but, if you get into it, it doesn't seem so long. I think it's pretty good. It's been thoroughly reviewed by a perfectionist good Friend of mine, Nick, and a previewed by two english teachers. It takes up alot of my free time that would otherwise just be wasted sitting my fat ass on the couch trying to find something to watch when there's nothing on all thirty some odd channels, doing my homework or my chores or something stupid like that (j/k). Hope ya enjoy it or ;) as my friend Matt would put it.