
All Peas Bow before Paul!
All About the Story
the really long story
Billy Talent
Mocking Our Favorite Bands
Invader Zim
the page about me
Walrus's Psychotinary
Twitchy Hungry Eye
the page about me

All those little web pages by regular people have to have one of those "About the Author" pages. So here's mine. At first I didn't really want to do this because, well, I think it's a little conseeded or vain. Whatever though. I have no idea what changed my mind.

Name:Erica **** Crazy
age: 7 (but i'm trapped inside a 15 year-old's body)
sex: my report card always says F but i think i deserve better. ; (
gender: girl (if not, the large tumors protruding from my chest might be cancerous)
height: 5'3''
ethinicity: craker, but I do have the slightest amount of Indian in me so that makes my foot at least Cherokee. (i think it's my right foot)
D.O.B.: 4:00PM on April 24th 1988  (get this, i was born 4 days and 20 minutes away from being born on 4/20 at 4:20! weird, no?)
location: Festus, MO a.k.a. Fecese, Fetus, or boring as hell (you know that is if hell was boring)
hair: really long (down to the small of my back), dark blonde
dinomination: Lutheran
occupation: a couch sitter onner
pet peeve: hmmm..i'd have to say,  things stuck up your ass. cause you know when something is stuck up your ass it's hard to concentrate on anything.
grade: 10th
hobbies: writting stuff(duh?), laughing at stuff, drawing stuff, reading funny or scary stuff, eating stuff, and listening to hard core stuff. (he-he)
Enneagram Personality Type: four
I better go. But before I do just know that deep down inside i am a hidiously tormented soul who doesn't have any real friends and i torture monkeys to repress all my unhappiness.  
: (  that wasn't very funny was it.

Just a little snap shot of myself
heh-heh (i wish!)

this is my only drawing of me!
I think i look pretty confused.

If my life were a book it would be titled : The Story of the World's Most Misunderstood Peice of Cheese.